Environmental calendar, app & sat nav
Don't miss an appointment
Environmental calendar offers dates and information on the environment and waste
Bereits seit mehr als 30 Jahren gibt es den Beckumer Umweltkalender. Er ist ein hilfreicher Begleiter geworden, wenn es um Informationen und Kontaktdaten zu Abfallentsorgung und -verwertung geht. Zusätzlich gibt er Auskunft zu verschiedenen Umweltthemen.
Darüber hinaus ist er jedes Jahr mit Fotos aus der Umgebung gestaltet, die von fotografiebegeisterten Beckumerinnen und Beckumern eingereicht wurden. Der Dank dafür richtet sich an alle Einsenderinnen und Einsender. Es wurden wieder zahlreiche, schöne Fotos eingeschickt. Die Auswahl war sehr schwierig, da viele Komponenten berücksichtigt werden müssen. Es wird um Verständnis gebeten, wenn das eigene Foto nicht den Weg in den Kalender gefunden hat.
Verteilt wird der Kalender an alle Haushalte nach den Feiertagen. Hier steht er bereits als Download zur Verfügung.
Environmental calendar 2024 for download
Umweltkalender 2025 zum Download
Tonnenticker app provides reliable reminders
In pyjamas at the breakfast table. There is a rumbling outside. A thought pops into your head: It's rubbish collection day! But you can only see the lights of the rubbish truck from behind. This no longer happens with Tonnenticker pro, the waste app for smartphones from AWG, Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft des Kreises Warendorf mbH. It reminds the residents of Beckum in good time of the upcoming refuse collection.
AWG developed the Tonnenticker pro in cooperation with 18 towns and municipalities in the districts of Warendorf and Gütersloh. The GEG (Gesellschaft zur Entsorgung von Abfällen Kreis Gütersloh mbH) and a specially commissioned agency were also involved. We want to use different information channels and address the residents as directly as possible," explains Michael Dierkes, project manager at AWG and GEG.
"The paper waste calendar is sometimes put away too well," say the staff of the City of Beckum's Environment and Greenery Department, "and when the collection cycle is postponed due to public holidays, the wrong bin or even no bin at all can be found on the street. The Tonnenticker pro provides a remedy: After a few basic settings*) by the user, the smartphone reliably reminds the user to put out the right waste bin.
With the small application, breakfast can be enjoyed in your pyjamas with peace of mind, because thanks to the "ticker", the waste bin has long since been parked by the road.
The Tonnenticker pro can be found in the corresponding app stores and can be downloaded there free of charge.
*) Import personal appointments under the menu item "Pick-up appointments" by selecting the plus symbol in the calendar area on the smartphone. The reminder times are freely selectable. The reminder becomes active at 6 a.m., but can be changed by setting.
Waste navigation system informs about collection dates
With the waste navi you can create your own individual waste calendar. Simply select your street from the list. You can then also download and print out an annual calendar.
In addition, you can display the dates individually or be notified of the corresponding collection dates by e-mail. It is also possible to transfer the data to your own Outlook calendar via an iCal file provided.